Internal Recycling

Zim’s Bagging Company is committed to doing our part to support a greener world by being environmentally responsible. We focus on efficient resource use, a sustainable supply chain, prudent raw material handling, recycling and promotion of re-use by our film suppliers, new technology investments and continuous improvement using new processes.

Responsible Handling·        
• Recycle internally generated polyethylene scrap
• Pallets utilized are reusable and recyclable
        Most are rebuilt pallets
• Scrap corrugated, cradles and cores are baled and processed through a recycler
        Most corrugated is made from recycled materials
• Adhesive waste is confined and sent to a recycling plant
• Inks, oils and solvents are confined and sent to a certified vendor

Safety is our Priority
• Adherence to legal requirements
• Maintenance of documentation
• Training
• Emergency response
• Committed to ongoing improvement
Our most recent purchase to promote green initiatives is the investment in our future, to better protect the environment and promote sustainability at our facility by purchasing a Renzmann Closed Loop Reclaim System .  This unit will recycle and reuse alcohol used in our printing processes, significantly reducing hazardous waste generated.